Senin, 09 Juni 2014

call me homesick, maybe...

selamat pagi...

jakarta pagi ini sepi, motor melaju lancar. mungkin karena saya berangkat kepagian kali ya..

kali ini saya cuma mau cerita, tentang sekelebat bus safari ijo solo-semarang yang saya lihat beberapa hari lalu dan motor bernomor plat AD pagi ini.

apa itu?


buat kalian mungkin itu cuma hal sepele.

tapi buat saya yang hidup hampir 5 tahun bolak-balik menggunakan alat transportasi bus, lebih tepatnya bus safari warna ijo tadi, melihatnya ikut terseok-seok di antara kemacetan kota jakarta rasanya menakjubkan.


mungkin saya yang lebay, tapi theres a spark of warm creeped in my heart at the moment i saw that bus.

lalu rasa hangat itu juga yang merambat di hati saya, menuju mata dan keluar menjadi embun yang tak bisa jatuh, saat saya melihat ada wanita yang mengendarai motor berplat AD di depan motor saya pagi ini.

saya homesick. akut. dan saya baru menyadarinya sekarang.

entahlah, rasa-rasanya saya sudah terbiasa jauh dari rumah, jadi permasalahan homesick tak lagi mengganggu. tapi pagi ini adalah penegecualian. saya kangen udara dingin boyolali, saya kangen langit biru cerah dan angin semilir kota saya. saya kangen aroma rumput yang menguar kala sore turun. kangen sekali.


Kamis, 05 Juni 2014

a deserted veranda...

Last week we were both  still laughing , with a cup of hot coffee and warm talks in the veranda.
Laughing at oversleep dreams that runs hurriedly at our past .
greeting cheerily the reflection of the sun rises both in your eyes and mine....
then... a single hello just made it yesterday ..  a bag of sugar for our bitter forced smiles .. you and me.

a cup of coffee is still warm in my hands, but you bring yours to your daily busy morning. Whispered sadly, i greeted back your careless hello with all my prays,  “good luck for your day and please keep my safe and sound heart dreaming of you.”

Today the  veranda looks deserted..
your coffee is cooled down within my eyes. You have gone already, and forgot the ‘hello’ we used to. I’ve thrown it along with the dust under your coffee saucer.

Now I write all this dream in the tired night . my lonely  fingers scratched  its talk . It seems like only me who had a problem . You’ve got none , right?

our cups of coffee both  will gradually cool at the veranda for  the next morning ..
mixing the frozen dews inside the letter so called my dreams. Let’s just simply erase both, my name your name, which is only being a plain decoration outside of the cups
And slowly  the echo of my voices  will be fade  away from our romance ..
i see theres no point to let you hear what i think anymore, it already gloomed from the start.

 Coffee is all that i want for our fresh brightly  morning, you and me having a talk over 5minutes sit before we get craziness over the day. But you were always running first to your own world and left me lost in your way.  My tongue remembers the sting-bitterness-like tea you gave me from our old dusty picture frames

jadiiiiiiii ini adalah salah satu koleksi coretan lama saya yang saya alih bahasakan menjadi bahasa inggris, kredit lebih lengkap saya posting di facebook jadi mungkin nanti baru akan saya lengkapi dengan kreditnya, well.. excuse my error grammar and failed attempt, its better tryin than did nothing rite? XD